Sunday, August 29, 2010

It's that time again... you can see folks I haven't update my blog in well over...well, awhile! Sorry about that. TONS has happened...tons! It's been the most amazing 6 months and I'm excited to see what's ahead. In March I was driving to Vegas to visit my friend Heather and on the way decided to stop in St. George to visit Rob and Staci, while there I had this overwhelming feeling that I should move back to St. George. I quickly blew off the feeling and got back in my car and headed toward Vegas, while driving I had the feeling again and started crying...I know, I NEVER cry ;) but...I did and made the decision then and there to take a huge leap of faith and do it! So...I visited Heather for a few days and just never went back to Orem. Rob and Staci, two of my very close friends, let me camp out at their house for a few weeks while I found a job and a place to live. I was blessed to find a job in a few days and an apartment in a month. It's been a whirlwind of emotions and everyday brings something new but I've loved it and have loved meeting new friends. I recently just quite my job at the doctors office to go to Dixie State full time to get my nursing degree. Classes started last week and I'm already stressed to the max...we'll see if I can handl this! :) I'm so grateful for amazing friends and family who have been there to pick me up when I've fallen.
One more big thing...I consider this a bonus for moving here to St. George! One of my close friends, Martha, has been training me, well, kicking my butt, every morning and keeping a close eye on what I eat throughout the day and because of her persistence and her ability to put up with my mood swings I've been able to lose almost 50 pounds!!!!! It's so exciting!!!!! I have never felt better and feel like a totally different Ang! It's amazing and owe it all to my amazing support system! A personal shout out to Marth and Melissa! You've been my rock girls! LOVE YOU BOTH!!! I'll post pictures soon...soon as in when I reach my goal weight! haha heres a sneak peak though....

In the process...

1 comment:

Liesl said...

Ang, you're looking awesome, you're motivating me to start working out again!